About Me

I am the mama to 5 awesome children...4 boys and 1 daughter. My sons keep me on the floor with laughter, my daughter through the roof with pride. I am Lucky 7 because there are 7 in our family. And two beautiful daughter-in-laws. Of course I should mention I really have 5 boys. My husband being all of the above, and then some. We'll call him Odie. He earned that prideful name in the mission field while serving in the Hermasillo (?) Mexico mission. The name still remains with him. He's the love of my life and mine for time and all eternity. That's the fact part. There are days when I wonder if time will do just fine. (jk)

Friday, July 4, 2008

At the end of the day....

I am always grateful that there is an end to a day. Sometimes when difficult things come your way, you say your prayers, you brush your teeth, and you try to sleep. If sleep comes to you you're even more blessed. This is actually my first day at attempting something like this. We are with dear friends on this wonderful INDEPENDENCE DAY and have enjoyed company with the likes of you guessed it....Miley Cyrus!! And the fireworks were unbelievable. It's days like this when you are grateful for your Country, grateful for your freedom, and grateful for friends and family to share it with. We are so blessed and I feel that we will always be 'home' as long as we surround ourselves with both. So as this day is almost over (literally) I hope I can maybe inspire someone else to be better and do better. What more could you ask for. G'night!


Mindy said...

Camron gave me your blog name. I hope that's okay. He sees me blogging all the time and told me you were now blogging. It is such a fun way to keep up with my friends. Please read and comment on mine whenever. Happy day!!

Mindy said...

Oh and Sound of Music is also my favorite movie!! Maybe we could watch it sometime!